Groups, Workshops and Outreach
The SMWC Student Counseling & Wellness Center has a wide variety of programing to ensure students needs are being met in a variety of formats. The Student Counseling Center works from a data-driven approach, ensuring services align with student experiences and needs. Workshops, groups and programming through the Student Counseling Center are flexible to fit campus culture while also being proactive in addressing common needs.
- Groups are offered that focus on developing effective personal and social skills and resolving personal concerns. Typical topics include substance abuse, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship issues, self-esteem, depression, etc.
- SCWC staff are available for workshops and presentations on important topics for students, faculty and staff.
- Topics can include student counseling center services, identifying and assisting a distressed student, trauma-informed care, stress management, testing anxiety and time management.
- The Student Counseling & Wellness Center offers programming focused on students’ emotional wellness, engagement, and closing the gap in student needs.
- Programming includes educational tabling, pop-up relaxation stations, Paws to Relax therapy dog visits, alcohol and substance misuse awareness and more! In addition to programming, the SCWC runs a food and essentials pantry on campus.